Excellent Library Service Award


The Montana State Library Commission annually recognizes libraries for achieving excellence in serving their communities with the Excellent Library Service Award (the ELSA). Each year academic, public, school, and special libraries have an opportunity to apply for the award using a series of excellent service criteria in a variety of categories developed by librarians from all types of libraries. 

Read the Criteria 

How does it work? Each year library directors will complete the online application indicating criteria the library has achieved. If a library meets the required number of recommendations and answers a question about excellent service in each category, the library will receive a certificate from the Commission at the Montana Library Association awards ceremony during the annual conference. The State Library will provide recipient libraries with a press release for use in notifying local government officials and/or news outlets about the recognition. 

How do I apply? Libraries wishing to apply are invited to complete an application.  

When is the deadline? The deadline for applying will be in March 2025. 

This is an opportunity for libraries and library staff to receive recognition that is so deserved — from fellow librarians and from the local community. Consider applying for this honor annually! If you have questions, contact Tracy Cook.